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Aug 13 in Plastics
D-TEKBLUE is an FDA approved blue PTFE that is detectable using optical scanner, metal detection or X-ray equipment, ensuring that each fragment can be identified rapidly avoiding critical food contamination.
- Blue in colour
- FDA and EU 10/2011 approved
- Detectable by X-ray or metal detection equipment
- Easily machined
Whether you are looking at food processing, packaging, or conveying D-TEKBLUE PTFE is available in films, sheets, tubes, rods and machined parts.
Guarniflon S.p.A products, proudly represented in New Zealand by Supply Services Limited.
Did you know that Supply Services is one of the leading PTFE suppliers in NZ?
We stock a wide range of high-quality Italian made materials from Guarniflon.
Contact us today to discuss your requirements.