Truck Liners
Roller Chains
Roller Chain Accessories
Conveyor Chains
Conveyor Chain Accessories
Wood Processing Chains
Engineering Class Drive Chains
Bottling and Packaging Chains
Chain Wheels and Sprockets NZ
Engineered Plastic Parts
Specialty Wear Plates
Bearings & Bushes
Cut to Size Plastics
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Conventional and CNC Machining
Reverse Engineering
Welding, Assembly and Fabrication
High Performance Materials
Engineering Plastic Materials
Standard Engineering Plastic Materials
Industrial Composites and Laminate Materials
Specialty Sheet Materials
Engineered Plastic Parts
Truck Liners
Change Parts
Shark Fin™ Board Turning Systems
Tree Island Wire & Nail Products
Industrial Magnets
Agriculture, Hort & Fishing
Aviation & Space
Building & Construction
Dairy, Meat & Fish Processing
Leisure, Sport & Marine
Manufacturing & Machinery
Material Handling
Medical & Pharma
Mining & Quarrying
Renewables, Oil & gas
Semiconductor & Electronics
Waste Water
Wood Processing
Slippery-Deck® Black
Slippery-Deck® Premium Blue
Slippery-Deck® White
Slippery-Deck® High Temp
Slippery-Deck® Off Road
Slippery-Deck® Custom
Additional Slippery-Deck® Applications
Why Use Slippery-Deck® Truck Liners?
Virtually eliminates sticking
• Loads slide out easier
• Dump loads quicker
• Reduce wear and tear
• Move more loads and make more money
Slippery-Deck® will dramatically reduce your tipping angle
• Tip under warehouse roofs
• Tip under outdoor overhead obstacles
• Reduce chances of a roll over
Slippery-Deck® Liners are covered by our manufacturer's warranty
• Full warranty for durability and protection
Our experienced installers work nationwide
• Awesome!
Frequently asked questions
What is UHMW-PE?
UHMW-PE stands for ultra high molecular weight polyethylene. It is the most abrasion resistant grade of polyethylene by far and is often referred to as the world’s toughest polymer.
Where is Slippery-Deck® made?
Slippery-Deck® is produced by our suppliers in Germany and the USA from high quality polyethylene PE resins.
How much weight will a Slippery-Deck® Liner add to my trailer?
The standard 12.5mm x 3050mm product will add approximately 40kg per metre of liner.
How long will a Slippery-Deck® Liner last?
This depends on what you are dumping, and how often and the condition of your deck. Generally speaking a Slippery-Deck® Black liner will last 2-3 times longer than aluminium.
Can a Slippery-Deck® Liner be repaired?
Yes. Liners sometimes get damaged by diggers, buckets, etc. We can cut pieces out and weld new pieces in.
Is there anything I shouldn’t put on a Slippery-Deck® Liner?
Sharp objects like demolition material can damage or puncture a liner. If you have to occasionally cart this type of material then you can put down a layer of finer crushed material first.
How long does it take to install a Slippery-Deck® Liner?
An experienced team of 2 people can install a liner in 4-8 hours.
How is a Slippery-Deck® Liner held in my trailer?
Normally the liner is bolted through the deck at the head board and sits under a steel or aluminium flashing that runs down each side of the walls. Plastic liners expand and contract with changes in temperature during the day, so they can only be fastened at one end. The alternative, as is done in Off Road liners, is to completely fasten them down.
What can I do to make my Slippery-Deck® Liner last longer?
Check the liner regularly and remove any material such as stones that may have gotten underneath it (your installer can show you how to do this). Foreign matter under the liner will cause high spots that will prematurely wear through.
Can I get Slippery-Deck® Liner in any other colours?
Yes. Black, blue and white are the standard colours but if you need a corporate colour, we can do that too. You may have already seen our dark grey, red and light blue liners on the road.
Will I know anyone who has a Slippery-Deck® Liner in their truck or trailer?
Most likely as we have been fitting Slippery-Deck® Liners for over 20 years in New Zealand. These are some of our satisfied customers:
Fulton Hogan, Taylor Bros Transport, Winstone Aggregates, Stevenson Group, Higgins Contractors, P&I Pascoe, Warren McLean Cartage, J. Swap Contractors, Inframax Construction, Atlas Concrete, Firth, Road Metals, Jackson Enterprises, Transfleet Equipment, Transport & General Eng, Hick Bros, Allied Concrete and more…
Can I put hot materials on my Slippery-Deck® Liner?
Hot asphalt can only be put on a Slippery-Deck® High Temp liner. Slippery-Deck® High Temp liners require special installation and operating procedures.
Other Slippery-Deck® Liners can handle warm loads up to 80°C. Higher temperatures will cause structural damage to the liner.
All PE liners expand as they get warm. Any warm load will create greater than normal thermal expansion which may not have been allowed for in the installation. Carry warm loads with care.
Are Slippery-Deck® Liners corrosion resistant?
Yes, all Slippery-Deck® Liners are very resistant to chemical attack. The fasteners and flashings in your Slippery-Deck® installation might not be! If you are carting materials which may be corrosive please discuss this with your installer.
Whatever you’re
engineering, we can help